Current by-laws

SHAC’s by-laws lay out the rules, structures, and procedures that SHAC must abide by. This includes regulations regarding membership, our executive structure, and the relationship between SHAC and ASFA (the Arts and Science Federation of Associations).

The by-laws can be amended by referendum or at an SGM (special general meeting) called for that purpose. Amendments can be proposed by the executive, or it can be brought by petition of the members. For more information, see the ASFA Standing Regulations.

Old by-laws

Other Regulations

SHAC is an ASFA member association (MA). In addition to representing student interests at the faculty level, ASFA provides member associations (including SHAC) with funding through their fee-levy.

As a member association of ASFA, SHAC is governed by ASFA’s policies. These include ASFA’s standing regulations—which establish the relationship between ASFA and the MAs, and lay out the procedure for MA elections—as well as ASFA’s Harassment Policy and Ethical Purchasing Policy.

In the case of any conflicts, ASFA’s regulations take precedence over SHAC’s.